The Greater Dayton Brain Health Foundation accepts grant requests for projects that will enhance the recovery and well-being of people experiencing mental, addiction, and/or dementia brain disorders. Grants are awarded to non-profit 501 (c)(3) organizations or other IRS-designated public charities, such as churches, schools, and government entities to help launch new projects not addressed by existing organizations or to support special efforts of already-established organizations in the Dayton Region. The size and number of grant awards vary each cycle and are directly related to the amount of money available each year. Grant awards are typically funded during the initial one to two years of operation. Grants are accepted on a rolling application deadline and are reviewed quarterly.
» All recipients must be recognized as non-profit 501 (c)(3) organizations or other IRS-designated public charities, such as churches, schools, and government entities with a primary program focus on brain health issues such as mental, addiction, or dementia.
» Projects and activities must improve the brain health of individuals residing in counties adjacent to, and in, Montgomery County
» Demonstrate that it has or will have the financial resources and expertise to complete the project.
The Greater Dayton Brain Health Foundation is primarily interested in funding applications that:
» Test or demonstrate new and innovative techniques or approaches for solving important brain health problems;
» Projects that are consistent with evidence-based practices and honor the rights and integrity of the intended recipients of services;
» Cannot be accomplished within the existing resource base;
» Provide a one-time funding source for a self-sufficient, longer term effort; or
» Encourage more efficient use of community resources and promote coordination, cooperation and sharing among organizations and the elimination of duplicate
The Greater Dayton Brain Health Foundation will not usually make grants that:
» Establish or add to endowment funds;
» Provide primarily for travel;
» Provide funding to individuals;
» Support religious activities;
» Contribute to annual fund-raising drives, ceremonies, special or one-time events;
» Provide the principal financial support of an organization or activity;
» Provide general operating support to organizations or to reduce operating
Successful applicants will be expected to:
» Include recognition of the GDBHF in press releases, newsletters, signs, and other printed material associated with the project.
» Within 90 days after completion of the grant project, provide a complete final report describing how the Greater Dayton Brain Health Foundation grant dollars were spent, how the success measurements have been addressed, and results of those measurements.
View the full list of grant guidelines.
View the Grant Rubric and Evaluation Form below
Steps to Apply
1. Ensure that your organization is eligible to apply for a grant.
2. Review the Foundation’s grant guidelines to ensure the project fits with Foundation interests.
3. Contact the Greater Dayton Brain Health Foundation Manager to provide an overview of your funding request.
4. Submit the application.

Please Note: If your organization receives a grant award from The Greater Dayton Brain Health Foundation, you must submit a final report on how the grant was used and how it achieved the stated outcomes.
Contact for More Information: If you have questions about our grantmaking process, please contact Tina Rezash Rogal, Foundation Manager, at 937.443.0416.